About Us




Welcome to Gera.Solutions, where we combine our passion for premium brands, especially kitchenalia, with our expertise in global brand storytelling.

We are specialists in helping businesses like yours unlock their full potential and thrive in our UK market.

We understand the unique challenges and opportunities that arise when venturing into the UK and, with our many years of experience and deep understanding of the premium brand landscape, we have honed our skills to guide you on your journey to establishing your brand here.

What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to excellence. We believe that success lies in the details, and that’s why we offer tailored solutions that align with your brand’s unique identity and goals.

We constantly monitor emerging trends, cultural shifts, and market dynamics to provide you with the best advice and service to navigate the complexities of international expansion, guiding you through language adaptation, cultural integration, and marketing challenges to ensure your brand’s integrity remains intact and your brand story is told effectively.



We believe in harnessing the collective power of diverse talents, ideas, and strengths to achieve extraordinary outcomes together.


We believe in harnessing the collective power of diverse talents, ideas, and strengths to achieve extraordinary outcomes together.


We uphold strong ethical principals, honesty and trustworthiness in all of our actions and interations.


We operate with openness and clarity, fostering trust and accountability in our relationships and communications.


Anita Gera

Anita Gera founded Gera.Solutions in 2020, drawing on her experience of living and working as a consultant, coach and trainer in half a dozen countries, to help tell client stories.

Anita has a wide-ranging professional background, having worked in the publishing industry and as a journalist, writing on business topics. She also has extensive corporate training experience and has worked as a university lecturer for business and academic skills.

Having started and run companies and charities in more than one country, Anita has hands-on experience in international business, marketing, and branding. This makes her well-placed to ensure brand value integration for premium brands, so that core values are clearly transmitted on entry into new markets and verbal identity matches visual identity. 

Anita recently co-founded a non-profit, Hague Explained CIC. Read more about the work this Community Interest Company does here

Based in the south of England, Anita spends much of her free time supporting a multi-national group of mothers who have lost custody of their children; she is happy to share their stories.

” It’s an old adage but even for brands, you never get a second chance to make that great first impression, so I help make it count.”